Concerning ballistics
Some sort of angel
fell out of the sky
We readied ourselves
to catch them by
sewing together our
arms by the flap of our elbows

Not being entirely
sure about the dimensions
of the interstellar
entity our potential doom
we called the whole town
together even those folks
we didn’t like and
integrated everybody into our
newly formed being as defined by
it’s abilities to catch angel-like
destroyers of worlds

We looked and we strained
our eyes directed towards the sun
they could not focus on the
individual creature person debris

Some of us shouted
It comes closer by
the second meters every
second meters every
one had a different opinion
concerning ballistics
predictions of impact stretched
moments and months, we
couldn’t figure it out we
were too many voices being
on the safe side we started
preparations for outliers:

Ordering food (pizza and canned beans)
the delivering person was sewn
into us they couldn’t escape:
our reasoning enveloped
everybody who’s ears we reached
our cause produced converts left and right

The waiting moved into us in waves
we utilitarian but eternally hopeful abomination
got bored and excited and distasteful
until we reached the societal equilibrium
exalted dispair of inevitability
every second now
our new nature would fulfill
it’s promise of rescue
rescuing us the angel the crust
the falling projectile draw nearer
we made out feathered wings
feathered skin and yarn and
a million holes fused by it

We braced but our makeshift plain
ballowed upwards
towards the skies and split
time past for ages
we thought while nothing
happened at all times

Some sort of angel
fell out of the sky
we caught ourselves
flying for an instant
then we hurled again
like a bicycle
Some sort of angel
fell out of the sky
We readied ourselves
to catch them by
sewing together our
arms by the flap of our elbows

Not being entirely
sure about the dimensions
of the interstellar
entity our potential doom
we called the whole town
together even those folks
we didn’t like and
integrated everybody into our
newly formed being as defined by
it’s abilities to catch angel-like
destroyers of worlds

We looked and we strained
our eyes directed towards the sun
they could not focus on the
individual creature person debris

Some of us shouted
It comes closer by
the second meters every
second meters every
one had a different opinion
concerning ballistics
predictions of impact stretched
moments and months, we
couldn’t figure it out we
were too many voices being
on the safe side we started
preparations for outliers:

Ordering food (pizza and canned beans)
the delivering person was sewn
into us they couldn’t escape:
our reasoning enveloped
everybody who’s ears we reached
our cause produced converts left and right

The waiting moved into us in waves
we utilatian but eternally hopeful abomination
got bored and excited and distasteful
until we reached the societal equilibrium
exalted dispair of inevitability
every second now
our new nature would fulfill
it’s promise of rescue
rescuing us the angel the crust
the falling projectile draw nearer
we made out feathered wings
feathered skin and yarn and
a million holes fused by it

We braced but our makeshift plain
ballowed upwards
towards the skies and split
time past for ages
we thought while nothing
happened at all times

Some sort of angel
fell out of the sky
we caught ourselves
flying for an instant
then we hurled again
like a bicycle

Februar 2020